The main sleeve wraps around the blade held tight with red velcro. It is adjustable for different blade sizes. The micro sleeve holds the HMS karabiner firmly in place and offset from the blade edge to give more stability. The yellow stitching indicates the leading edge & creates the offset for the karabiner. |
How to quickly & easily make a paddle hook
Prep the HMS krab - connect a 5m Python sling, slide on the Wizard's Sleeve Slide on the Wizard's Sleeve & adjust to be tight if required
micro sleeve & set the Krab Stick. Wind the sling around the opposite face of the blade
to give more stability to the krab, then wind it round the paddle to keep it out of the water. Once the target has been hooked pull the paddle and it will slide off the Wizard's Sleeve
micro sleeve & set the Krab Stick. Wind the sling around the opposite face of the blade
to give more stability to the krab, then wind it round the paddle to keep it out of the water. Once the target has been hooked pull the paddle and it will slide off the Wizard's Sleeve
Wizard's Sleeve Safety Info
Creates a paddle hook when
used with a Krabstick and HMS
See website for full info.
To use wrap around paddle blade secure with velcro, place HMS carabiner in small sleeve.
Seek appropriate training and practise to be competent.
Keep clean check for wear and damage.
Only use with kayak paddles.
Creates a paddle hook when
used with a Krabstick and HMS
See website for full info.
To use wrap around paddle blade secure with velcro, place HMS carabiner in small sleeve.
Seek appropriate training and practise to be competent.
Keep clean check for wear and damage.
Only use with kayak paddles.
Karabiners must be maintained to prevent damage to the springs. After use they must be washed in hot water to clear out the dirt and salt from the spring recess. Lubricate with 3 in 1 oil once dry. If this is not done then when you open the gate the spring will not compress and if you continue to squeeze the gate then the force is diverted onto the nylon retaining tab which will bend under the compression and break.
Karabiners must be maintained to prevent damage to the springs. After use they must be washed in hot water to clear out the dirt and salt from the spring recess. Lubricate with 3 in 1 oil once dry. If this is not done then when you open the gate the spring will not compress and if you continue to squeeze the gate then the force is diverted onto the nylon retaining tab which will bend under the compression and break.